Faizi Javaid is a senior at Hunter College. Majoring in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations, he plans on going to graduate school to receive a Masters in International Relations (IR). Realizing that IR connect to several hard and soft sciences, he is taking International Pollution Issues to bolster his perspectives, theories and general knowledge of the environment. Wanting to know how the world works and responds to climate change is vital. Noting how other aspects of social science seamlessly integrate into geography is influential to other sciences as well.
The Use of the Northern Sea Route and its Effect on Climate Change
Due to Climate Change, The Northern Sea Route in Russia is becoming more accessible. Usually the route only opens for two months annually. Due to arctic ice sheets melting, it is gradually becoming more unnaturally available. This is important because the increased shipping between several European countries stimulate more pollutants, acting as a catalyst for greater environmental damage. Also as stated in The Inuit Circumpolar Conference in 2012, the trade has the potential to hurt indigenous marine mammals, therefore upsetting an ecosystem. Basically, these countries are making short term gains for long term losses that affect everyone. I predict economic incentives, external global organizations and political power have the ability and authority to persuade countries involved and develop a more sustainable outcome, making a positive sum game.
Key words: North Sea Route, International Relations, Climate Change, Russia, United States, international trade, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reduction of sea ice